Checklists Plugin

Unlimited checklist items

Unlimited checklist items

Create as many checklist items as you need to take into account and control every detail of even the most complex task.

Editing by click

Editing by click

Edit checklists without reloading the page.

Assign every checklist item to different user

Assign every checklist item to different user

Each checklist item can be assigned to different users. This allows you to organise teamwork on a single task. Separate responsibilities for different items of one checklist for different employees and organize teamwork. Assign and reassign employees to the checkbox, keeping the task under control under any circumstances.

Commenting on checklists items

Commenting on checklists items

Use an additional communication tool for your team in the form of commenting on checkboxes.

Deadline for checklist items

Deadline for checklist items

Specify deadlines for any checklist items and control the completion of task elements in time.

Checklist templates

Checklist templates

Create checklist templates and simplify planning of routine tasks. Templates can be created for a tracker, a project. Combine templates by categories.

Changes history

Changes history

Track changes to your checklist by reviewing the change log. Changes to checklists are saved in the task change log and participants receive email notifications.

Changing the order of items by dragging

Changing the order of items by dragging

If you want to change the order of your checklists, just drag and drop them with your mouse.


Check out all the features of our plugins in the demo

Special offer

buy 2 plugins PRO version (advanced checklist & kanban board) only for 350 €.








249 €

149 €

600 €

299 €

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Unlimited checklist items
Assign checklist item to user
Changing the order of items by dragging
Unlimited checklists
Changes history
Checklist templates
Sorting users including checklists
Deadline for checklist itemsChecklist item deadlines are taken into account in the «completion date» filter when filtering tasks
Commenting on checklist items
Attach files to checklists
"Checklists must be done" and "Checklists must be assigned" separately for each status
Files in checklist items
User avatars
Importing checklist items from a text file
Personal checklistsChecklists whose items must always be assigned to someone. Only the author, assignee and user with the «edit any checklists» permission can edit a checklist item. Personalised checklists are convenient to use for coordination
Automatic addition of checklists in certain statusesAbility to add condition on tracker and project. Ability to edit settings without administrator rights
Control of cheque list fulfilment when transferring to certain statuses
Filtering by assigned and executed checklists
Template Categories


249 €

149 €

600 €

299 €

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Release version 2.2.2



  • error when trying to create a checklist or checklist item for a blocked task without a blocking type
  • ability for the user to edit the template binding to the task status
  • logging to task history when adding a comment to a checklist
  • logging checklist name to task history


  • interface elements on the template page

Release version 2.2.1



  • adding checklists templates for tasks with a specific tracker and project


  • styles in modal on kanban board
  • styles on task page


  • Redmine4.2 - 5.1
  • BrowsersChrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge
  • DatabasesMySQL 5.7, MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 14-16, SQLite
  • Plugins additional_tags, additionals, advanced_charts, appearance_custom, context_menu_due_date, easy_gantt, easy_gantt_pro, module_manager, periodic_reminder, periodictask, redmine_advanced_checklists, redmine_app_notifications, redmine_banner, redmine_collapsible_sidebar, redmine_impersonate, redmine_issue_dynamic_edit, redmine_issue_templates, redmine_kanban, redmine_local_avatars, redmine_searchable_selectbox, redmine_theme_changer, redmine_wysiwyg_editor, scrum, user_group_editor, view_customize