API Checklists
- Get all checklist and items for issue
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/questionlist/__ISSUE_ID__' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-Key: __API_KEY__' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X GET - Add checklist to issue
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/questionlist/__ISSUE_ID__' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-Key: __API_KEY__' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"list_type":"Usual", "title":"new checklist"}' - Add item to checklist (parameters "assigned_to_id", "done", "due_date" not required)
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/question/__CHECKLIST_ID__' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-Key: __API_KEY__' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"title":"new item title ", "assigned_to_id":__USER_ID__, "due_date":"2024-08-01", "done": false}' - Delete item from checklist
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/question/__ITEM_ID__' \
-H 'x-redmine-api-key: __API_KEY__' \
-X 'PATCH' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"data":{"action": "question.delete","updated_at":" 2024-08-16T12:37:56.000Z"}}' - Change item (set done, rename, assign, change due date)
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/question/__ITEM_ID__' \
-H 'x-redmine-api-key: __API_KEY__' \
-X 'PATCH' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"data":{"action":__ACTION_NAME__,"updated_at":__UPDATED_AT__, "value":__NEW_VALUE__}}'
Description | __ACTION_NAME__ | Example of Value | Type |
Delete | question.delete | - | - |
Set done/undone | question.complete | true/false | bool |
Rename | question.set_title | "new name" | string |
Assign | question.set_assigned_to | 1 | integer (user_id) or null |
Set due date | question.set_due_date | "2024-08-01" | string |
Change sort order | question.set_order | 1 | integer (item) |
API templates
- Get category of checklists-templates
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-template-categories' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-Key: __API_KEY__' \
-X GET - Get checklists-templates
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-Key: __API_KEY__' \
-X GET - Create checklist-template
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-Key: __API_KEY__' \
-d '{"title":"new", "list_type":"Usual", "category_id":"id", "is_public": false}' - Update checklist-template
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates/TEMPLATE_ID' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-key: __API_KEY__' \
-X PUT \
-d '{"title":"updated", "list_type":"Usual", "category_id":"id", "is_public": true}' - Delete checklist-template
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates/TEMPLATE_ID' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-key: __API_KEY__' \
-X DELETE - Create point of checklist-template
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates/TEMPLATE_ID/elements' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-key: __API_KEY__' \
-d '{"title":"title", "assigned_to_id": 1, "deadline": 1}' - Update point of checklist-template
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates/TEMPLATE_ID/elements/ELEMENT_ID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-key: __API_KEY__' \
-X PUT \
-d '{"title":"updated", "assigned_to_id": 1, "deadline": 1}' - Delete point of checklist-template
curl 'https://demo.redmine-kanban.com/admin/checklist-templates/TEMPLATE_ID/elements/ELEMENT_ID' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-redmine-API-key: __API_KEY__' \
Personal checklists
Notes on editing personal checklists
- Personal checklists can be edited by: author, assignee and person with the role “edit any personal checklists”
- Personal checklist's author can edit items added to his checklist by other users
If you have any problems or questions, write us an email [email protected]