
Installing and configuring the Checklist items plugin

  1. Copy the redmine_advanced_checklists plugin folder to the plugins/ folder. The current version does not support operation if redmine is installed in a subdirectory (for example http://example.com/redmine /). It is necessary that redmine is installed at the root (for example http://redmine.example.com / or on a separate port http://example.com:8080 /).
  2. Run the migration in the Redmine root folder.
  3. Stop and start Redmine
  4. In some redmine installations (for example, when working in docker), it is important to stop and start the redmine server, and not restart it. Sometimes the checklists are not displayed when restarting.


  1. Configure user roles in Administration -> Roles.
  2. Enable the «Checklists» module for projects in the settings of each project or in Administration -> Checklists.
  3. Check and change other plugin settings in Administration -> Checklists.

Technical requirements

  1. Redmine version: 4.1 - 5.1
  2. Database: sqlite, mysql, postgresql

If you have any problems or questions, write us an email [email protected]